Summary reports

WebMIS provides three reports which summarise transaction information; the Client, Terminal Group and the Terminal summary reports. These reports all present a similar interface and will be described together.

The reports differ in the level of aggregation which they impose. Each report will show a single row for each Client (or Terminal Group or Terminal, depending on the report selected) which is associated with your account. If any row contains transactions in more than currency, then the amounts for each currency will be split and separate rows will be displayed.

A row for each Client (Terminal Groups or Terminal) which is configured onto your account will be displayed. The leftmost column in each row will contain a description of the summarised item. This will be a client name, a terminal group description or a terminal id/description depending on the report selected. The remaining columns will contain daily aggregated transaction values for the summarised item and a total for all days. The number of daily columns displayed will vary according to the date range which you have selected.

Example #1 - Weekly Client Summary


Example #2 - Daily Terminal Group Summary


Example #3 - Two day Terminal Summary


By hovering the mouse cursor over any value cell, a tooltip will appear containing the number of summarised transactions and the average spend.

Each page of information will contain a maximum of 10 summarised items. To view subsequent or previous pages of information you should click on the page numbers (or the Next & Previous links) at the foot of the results. You can alter the number of transactions per page of results by selecting a new value in the Page Length drop down.

The number of matching items is displayed at the top of the results. A maximum of 100 rows will be displayed in an online query and if the results have been truncated the message 'First 100 results found (maximum)' will be displayed. If you want to see the full set of results you should click the Generate Report button and the full results will be generated offline and you will be notified by email when they are ready.

A maximum of 7 days can be displayed on each page. If the date range which you have defined exceeds 7 days, you can scroll between adjacent 7 days blocks using the Show previous 7 days and Show next 7 days links at the bottom right of the results grid. Note that the Total column will always show the total for the entire date range.


Setting or modifying the search criteria

If you called the summary report using the Manual Query option the Search Criteria will be visible. (You can also display the search criteria for a pre-defined report by clicking on the Show Search Criteria link) . You should set the search criteria if you want to construct your own manual query or if you want to further refine one of the pre-defined reports.

The search criteria are displayed within a tabbed interface. The exact appearance of these tabs will depend upon the configuration of your user preferences but a typical example is shown below.


The individual criteria are grouped in Standard and Advanced tabs. The Standard tab contains those search criteria which are most frequently used and the Advanced tab contains more specialised criteria. You can select either tab by clicking on the tab title.

All report queries must include at least a From and To date. If you invoke the summary report using one of the pre-defined options then these values will already be populated but if you selected the Manual Query option you will be required to supply valid values for these fields. When you are satisfied that the search criteria are entered correctly you should click the Search button to generate and display the results.

The advanced tab contains additional search criteria.


The advanced search criteria are as follows. Enter or select values for any one or more of these fields to restrict the results so that only transaction information which matches the defined criteria are included.

In addition to search criteria which alter the set of the transactions which will be included in the results, the Advanced tab also includes a number of other options which change the way in which information is displayed. These are;

Linking Summary Reports

The summary reports are linked hierarchically so that may drill down from a Client summary to a Terminal Group summary and thence to a Terminal summary. To drill down from a summary report to the lower level you can either;

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